
International Workshop on Decentralized Domestic Wastewater Treatment in Asia

Testing and evaluation system for decentralized wastewater treatment facilities

Date: 11th November, 2024

Time: 13:00~17:30 (Japan standard time)

Venue: Hybrid (Virtual & Non-Virtual) 

Non-virtual:Meeting room, Japan Education Center of Environmental Sanitation (Address: 2-23-3 Kikukawa, Sumida-ku, Tokyo 130-0024, Japan)
* Please kindly be noted that due to the capacity of the meeting room, we may ask you to participate in this workshop online (virtual).

Virtual: Zoom Webinar 

Language: English / Japanese (simultaneous interpretation)

Organizer: Ministry of the Environment, Government of Japan (MOEJ)

Questions & Answers of the 12th Workshop(1224KB)

Download from here


  In recent years, economic development in Asian countries has led to the rapid construction of sewerage facilities in urban areas and decentralized wastewater treatment facilities in suburban and rural areas, increasing the need for high-performance decentralized wastewater treatment facilities. In some countries, research and development on decentralized wastewater treatment and the production of factory-produced plants are progressing. Product standards and performance evaluation test methods are being formulated and product certification systems are being considered and implemented.
  The purpose of this workshop is to share knowledge about systems and test methods related to performance evaluation tests for decentralized wastewater treatment facilities in Asia, organize common issues and specific issues to each country, and discuss measures to resolve these issues, thereby promoting the strong and sound spread of high-performance decentralized wastewater treatment facilities in Asia in the future.

Speakers & Material Download


Value chain and components of decentralized wastewater management 

Dr. Yoshitaka Ebie 

Prime Senior Researcher, Waste Management Engineering Research Section, Material Cycles Division,
Manager, Planning Division, International Coordination Office,
National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES)


Testing system for decentralized wastewater treatment plants in Thailand

Dr. Thammarat Koottatep
Professor and Co-Director, Global Water & Sanitation Center, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand


Testing system for decentralized wastewater treatment plants in Indonesia

Dr. Elis Hastuti
Researcher at Directorate of Engineering Development of Human Settlements and Housing, Directorate General of Human Settlements, Ministry of Public Works and Housing, Indonesia


Japan's Johkasou Performance Evaluation Testing System

Mr. Kentaro Kuwabara
Manager, Testing Laboratory for Wastewater Treatment Tanks, Technical Appraisal Department, The Building Center of Japan


Progress of decentralized wastewater management in Vietnam and the expected testing system for decentralized wastewater treatment plants 

Dr. Tran Thi Viet Nga

Professor, Dean, Faculty of Environmental Engineering, Hanoi University of Civil Engineering (HUCE)


Product Standards and Performance Evaluation Testing system for Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Plants in India

Dr. Absar Ahmad Kazmi
Professor, Environmental Engineering,
Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee


Performance evaluation test of decentralized wastewater treatment plants in China

Dr. Min Yang
Professor, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, 
Chinese Academy of Sciences

Introduction of the Moderator

Dr. Kiyoshi Kawamura

Former Professor, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Saitama University

  He was formerly a Professor, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Saitama University. Prior to that, he served as a section chief of the waste management division in a research institute of the Ministry of Health and Welfare (now the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare) , and then as the director of a research institute for the environment in Saitama Prefecture. 
  In these institutes, he had conducted research and teaching, and also contributed to many committee activities at the national and local governments, and the related agencies. Through these experiences, he had made many efforts on the improvement of domestic wastewater management and supporting for the dissemination of johkasou technology world wide. 
  He is one of the pioneers in Japan to contribute to the promotion of the healthy water environment and sanitation system.

Dr. Pierre Flamand

Manager - international Affairs, Japan Sanitation Consortium (JSC)

  He is the Manager of International Affairs at the Japan Sanitation Consortium (JSC). He has over 20 years of experience in sanitation, with particular focus on fecal sludge management. Since joining JSC in 2009, he has been involved in sanitation projects in Viet Nam, Malaysia and Bhutan. 
  He is the co-author of ‘Sanitation and Sustainable Development in Japan’ (ADB 2016) and ‘Accountability Mechanisms for Inclusive City-Level Public Services in Asia’ (ADBI 2023). Since 2015, he has been involved in several Working Groups of ISO/TC 224 as an expert representing Japan for the development of international standards. 
  Pierre holds a doctoral degree in regional development studies and is also a visiting researcher at Toyo University in Japan.

Secretariat Contact

We look forward to your participation.
If you have any query, questions, or suggestions, please contact the Secretariat of this Workshop, below.

Yurie Shirakawa
Senior Researcher, JECES